What are the Benefits of Regularly Attending Anger Management?

A group of women sitting in a circle in an office with a therapist facilitating.

Anger, while an important messenger when left unattended, can be a destructive force in individuals’ lives, work, and relationships. Due to the potentially negative consequences of unfiltered aggression, there has been the cultivation of anger management courses since the 1970s to aid individuals who have interpersonally or legally suffered due to overwhelming bouts of anger. Anger management counselors usually recommend attending weekly classes to get the most out of the program they attend. If participants actively practice the skills they learn between each session, it greatly improves their chance for success in managing aggressive behavior. This blog post will discuss an array of benefits to attending anger management classes regularly and the mechanisms behind their impacts on personal development and overall well-being.

Five Benefits of Anger Management

  1. Decreased Recidivism: Research currently indicates that consistently attending mandated anger management can reduce the potential for subsequent aggressive or violent behavior. Some research suggests that the benefits of anger management training typically appear and are retained after a few months to a year of consistent attendance of cognitive-behavioral skill-building anger management classes. So remember that with time, shifts are likely to happen, but it takes consistency and effort over a few months. 
  1. Improved Relationships: The development of anger management skills can also have significant impacts on the relationships participants have with their family, friends, and colleagues. Much of anger management is intertwined with the development of more assertive communication which helps foster more direct and respectful relational dynamics. These communication tools aid in the cultivation of healthier relationships and shared perspective-taking skills which create more collaborative environments. 
  1. Emotional Well-being: Research indicates that anger management programs that help individuals and groups understand how to decrease their physiological arousal states can have wide-reaching impacts on their emotional and physical health. Cultivation of calming and grounding skills such as deep breathing, relaxation, yoga, and mindfulness have been indicated to have significant impacts on an individual’s ability to manage stress and decrease ailments such as depression and anxiety which often coincide with anger. 
  1. Personal Growth: Mandated anger management classes can be a helpful program for aiding in the development of self-reflective processes and the cultivation of personal growth. The process of getting to know one’s anger often contributes to a deepened understanding of oneself, emotions, and relationships, and provides room for participants to challenge their negative patterns with positive empowering shifts. 
  1.  Meeting requests for courts, probation, and DCFS: court-ordered anger management participants are oftentimes required to attend weekly classes. Anger management counselors indicate on reports whether participants have attended regularly.  Skipping too many classes can negatively impact one’s mandate to fulfill an anger management program successfully, and can lead to consequences such as potential jail time.

In summary, attending weekly anger management classes is helpful for a variety of reasons. Regular attendance can offer a structure for building self-awareness, regulation skills, and healthier relationships. The cultivation of knowledge around your triggers, alternative coping mechanisms, direct communication skills, stress management, and the cultivation of empathy for yourself and others can transform your everyday experiences. We acknowledge that mandated classes might feel overwhelming and intimidating, but we encourage you to show up with an open mind. When individuals choose to start showing up with intention the impacts ripple into their lives, relationships, and community. Cultivating an empathetic mindset can utterly transform how your life continues unfolding. It will take time and continuous intentional effort, but change is always possible.

Carly Rose Schwan is a Certified Anger Management Counselor and an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist at Avedian Counseling Centers under the licensed supervision of Chrys Gkotsi, LMFT #113638.  Offering individual and couples therapy in Glendale and Los Angeles, Carly Rose specializes in helping empower individuals to face their vulnerability and work toward acceptance instead of struggling with anger and low self-esteem. 

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