Can Anger Be Controlled?

Anger cannot be controlled but our response to anger is in our control. Anger is an automatic response of the nervous system. When it feels threatened the brain floods the body with stress hormones prompting the body’s fight or flight response. It is extremely important to pause and reflect on your anger and the desired outcome before you speak or act. Some tips for calming your mind include: Counting to ten or walking away from the situation until your emotions subside and you can think rationally.

Fear, anxiety, grief, and shame are primary emotions. Anger is not.

Anger may give you a false sense of power. Expressing anger by yelling, fighting, assaults and self-harm does not lead to respect from others. Instead, it will destroy relationships and in extreme cases, it can lead to personal and financial losses. That said, the best way to tame your anger is by calming your mind. It is possible to calm angry feelings by practicing deep breathing techniques and relaxing. It is best to practice these techniques in conjunction with cannabis products that help you relax and slow down your brain. Chemical components like CBD present in marijuana can send signals to your brain’s cannabinoid receptors and calm your fight-or-flight response. This way, cannabis could help you regulate your anger. Depending on how you want to consume them, you can ingest CBD products; inhale them by vaping (blog posts by LFLUS can enlighten you about this); or apply them as topicals. Talk to a medical marijuana doctor, should you decide to take the cannabis route. A healthcare professional can familiarize you with cannabis consumption methods that could prove to be beneficial depending on your condition.

Keep in mind that it is crucial to calm your mind to manage your anger effectively. A failure to tame your anger could lead to the following health issues.

Digestive Problems
High Blood Pressure
Heart Attack

Anger Management Skills:

It is important to accept anger as a natural response to perceived threats and loss. Learn to observe your thoughts calmly without judging or reacting. It may be helpful to keep a journal to record when and why you get angry. By jotting down your feelings you can refer back to them and discover your anger pattern to reach possible solutions. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, listening to music, and any hobby or activity that allows you to have a sense of peace. Research has shown that regular exercise like walking, running, dancing or yoga can reduce stress levels and improve your mood as well as your health. Treat yourself and others kindly and respectfully to reduce frequency of angry outbursts. Consider joining an anger management group to learn better communication and conflict resolution techniques.

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